The ‘Kyiv Polytechnic Institute’ is one of the oldest leading technical institutions in Europe. It was established in 1898. The institution is known for its academic excellence and foremost groundbreaking studies. The university ranks first on a nationwide scale, is recognized globally in several educational, and research programs ranking in the top 10 in their sphere. KPI has attracted 30,000 students throughout the globe. The number of learners at 29 University colleges is 40 500 students.


Institutes and Faculties of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute



The KPI provides various courses for students of 19 different faculties, 9 research institutions, some investigation institutes, and study centers. Preparation of bachelors, specialists, and masters, and doctors of sciences are conducted in the college.

There are several noteworthy facts about Kyiv Polytechnic University:




Kyiv Polytechnic institute Alumni include:


Currently, the main objective of KPI is to train highly competent specialists and to carry out study for “a step ahead” in the economic progress priorities of Ukraine. The option to study at KPI seems a promising and well-thought study decision.

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